The one thing I didn't do in the challenge was enforce shopping ban. Therefore, I am really itching to wear my new clothes so this week was rough for me. After looking at last week, I was determined to throw in a few necklaces this week. I ONLY buy cheap jewelry, so I feel like I might as well as bring you to Forever 21 to show you all my necklaces.
All gold, all Forever 21.
Pants: Mango // Shirt: Zara // Shoes and Necklace: F21
FUN OR FUGLY: This shirt was on my keep/return list for awhile. At the end of it all, I think its a fun shirt that's not too ugly if I keep it simple. I ordinarily pair this shirt with some high waisted shorts and keep it all fun, however this was just another day at work.
Shoes: F21 // Pants: Target // Shirt: H&M
CHAMBRAY TANK: One item I decided to add since I really needed something to throw on that day. Was way too boring for an internet blog, so I threw in a flash necklace to make it less boring. And I finally threw on my white coat to show you how I look like at work.

Pants, Shoes, Necklace: F21 // Shirt: Mango
I USE TO HATE NAVY: I use to never, ever buy things in navy since I felt like I didn't have enough clothes that matched. However, this pleated midi skirt is probably the most perfect thing in my closet right now. Simple triangle necklace to match the geometric shapes on the shirt. Why do I look so unhappy here?
Shoes and Necklace: F21 // Skirt: Asos // Top: Madewell
FLU SHOT CLINIC: I had to run a pop up flu shot clinic and had to look professional(ish). So I grabbed the nicest shirt that was still clean. Yes, my chambray button up is the nicest shirt in this collection.
Loafers: Bass // Pants: Target // Chambray: Gap
DINNER DATE: Had a casual dinner date with my boyfriend. Would have worn my sandals but I get lazy to strap those in when all I do is take them off at his house to lounge around all day.
Loafers: Bass // Shorts: J Crew // Shirt: UO
I CHANGED SHOES AFTER THIS PICTURE: I first put on my gold oxfords since I felt like they were getting negelected in this challenge (mainly because I left them downstairs and forgot about them). However, I just didn't like them and changed into my Bass loafers I've been wearing nearly every day. I love these pants, however, hate all the things I've worn with them during this challenge. OH WELL. :(
Pants: J Cew // Oxfords: Seychelles // Shirt: UO
Reflecting back on these past three weeks, I realized one thing: I shouldn't force myself to wear clothes I don't wear anymore for the sake of wearing it. Therefore, the peter pan tank will go straight into the donate pile once I am done with this challenge. I still think its cute, however just not "me" anymore. As much as I use to wear my gold oxfords with everything, they just don't seem very "me" anymore either. I admit though, I don't have the heart to retire them just yet, they will probably stick around the back of my closet.
10 more outfits to go! The temperature might drop for a few days this weekend so I'm hoping to break out some tights soon though it might just be wishful thinking.