Things You Might Have Missed: Part III

November 20, 2013

1. Siu Sin Far "Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of an Eurasian" is an essay written in 1890 by a Hapa woman living in the United States.

2.  Does Your Man Suffer From Yellow Fever? Find out in 8 Easy Steps!
Here is something light-hearted but still with a bite: a tongue-in-cheek illustrated "guide" to tell if your friend/SO/a stranger exhibits Orientalism.

(Credit: Fiona Aboud)
3."What I Learned as Captain America in a Turban" is both poignant and hilarious. It also features a cameo segment from "Totally Biased" (RIP).

4. Artist Coco Layne documents the fluidity of gender norms with just a swish of hair and some makeup in "War Paint."

5. Seeing Opportunity In A Question: 'Where Are You Really From?': Alex Sugiura is from Brooklyn and is of Japanese and Eastern European descent. Instead of getting fed up by people constantly asking the dreaded "Where are you from?" questions, he looks at it as an opportunity for some critical conversations.

6. And in case you missed it, many are still suffering from Typhoon Haiyan. If you were wary about donating to an organization that can be notorious for mishandling donations, please look at this list posted by Michelle. This is also a handy guide to avoid disaster fraud because we can't ever have nice things. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone.

I can't wait to see what other cool/fascinating/outrageous links you provide in the comments!

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