
March 31, 2014

There is no telling what kind of weather will show up anymore! Even Florida, with its actual lack of a spring and fall season (well, we like to label that we do but we all know better), would have a blistering 95 degree weather one day to a freezing 43 degrees the next day.  To be honest though, I am somewhat enjoying it since I can still wear sweaters, the only thing I ever seem to purchase and own anymore.  Not to mention, the continuity of wearing black is also alright with me. The idea of summer (again, we skip spring here entirely) and its fashion actually stresses me out already. So, let it be cold, drab, and gloomy. I'm sure I'll blend in just fine. Anyhow, here's an outfit fashionable enough to meet those requirements above with matching low-quality photos.

Balenciaga glasses | Old Navy sweater | F21 skirt | Old Navy booties | Coach satchel | MK two-tone watch

In other news, have you guys seen this video?  

Nothing has been as deliciously accurate as that video.  It instantly reminded me of one of my favorite actresses ever, Ms. Anna May Wong. The first Asian-American actress who ever graced Hollywood with her ethereal beauty and badass presence.  She was an incredible performer who had been robbed of many opportunities, such as infamously losing a lead role as a Chinese character to a German actress.   If we deny racism as a reasoning behind that, then I don't know what else it could be.  So, you know what she did?  She upped and left Hollywood for Europe, and there she was deservedly recognized for her work.   It seems as though we are only accessories and supporting roles, not complex enough to go astray from the personality categories delegated to our ethnicity by white Hollywood. What are your thoughts on this?

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