Hello all!
Congratulations on surviving the Polar Vortex. It's been a long and hard road, but I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. But for some of us, we still have a few more weeks left of unpredictable weather and dry rooms. So I decided to share some of the products that are helping my skin through the tail end of winter.
I started to notice how bad my skin was looking when one day I was applying makeup and my skin turned to sand and blew away. I was a little mortified how long I had let this go on, so I started YouTubing and Googling several homegrown methods- anything I could do at home at 1 AM.
Let's be real, I did not try all the rice wrapper or deconstructed guacamole face masks. Don't get me wrong, they sound kind of fun/experiment-y, but I don't think perishable items are a good solution for me. Last thing I want in the morning is a spray bottle full of rotten lemon and honey toner.
So, after doing some research and digging through my supplies, I think I have found a solution. Some of these products may be a little on the pricey side, so if you have any cheaper alternatives please leave them in the comments.
Find out more below!
Let's start off this little guy (pictured above) The Body Shop's Brush Face Rounded Handle. Not the catchiest of name (although p. accurate), this little brush saved me from under and over exfoliating. Before, I had tried gentle micro-bead exfoliants (which are REALLY bad the for the environment) but didn't see ANY results. And my issue with Clarisonics, and other vibrating brushes, is that people (i.e. ME) tend to get overzealous and try to scrub TOO hard. Usually, the motor will stop at that point, but "people" are determined to keep scrubbing.
Another thing I enjoy is how easy it is to clean. I just use it with my normal face wash and then I dip it into boiling water or microwave it for a few seconds to sterilize it.
Now for the products.
NARSkin ♦ EFA Night Infusion , Bliss ♦ Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Mask, NUXE ♦ Huile Prodigieuse Dry Oil
In order of use.
♦Bliss mask- I aspire to use this product about twice a week, covering my face and ~décolletage. Immediately, I notice a different in the surface of my skin. It is much smoother and products seem to lay nicer. My mom who has been using this product for longer, says she has seen her face become brighter (but not whiter).
♦NARS serum- I used a Groupon for the NARS night serum and my only regret was not buying two. I have tried several moisturizers in my life, but I would give them all up for this serum. Essential fatty acids (EFA) diets can help with the appearance of the skin, but in my experience, using this EFA serum has really helped keep my face moisturized better and longer. In the winter I use it before I moisturize, but in the Summer I can see myself using the product alone.
♦NUXE dry oil- Once you have mastered the art of knowing the right amount, this product dries very quickly. I start on my neck and moved up, avoiding my nose because I don't buy into the 'use more oil to not produce more oil' theory. My shiny nose in the month of February also agrees.
These products have saved my skin through the rough seasonal transitions. Coming from south Texas (the land of no seasons) I was NOT prepared for this winter. But with the Spring SO CLOSE, I am making sure my face (and body) stays hydrated in the last few weeks of heater weather.
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