Back in March, I posted about how I'd rediscovered a love of jogging and signed up for my first 5K. You'll be happy to know (or you might not care -- that's cool too) that last Saturday I successfully completed my first race!
Warning: The post gets cheesier from here.
Running alongside so many other people of various ages, body types, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and in different stages of their wellness journey was surprisingly inspiring and motivational to me -- only surprising because I'd never thought I'd care about any achievements outside of my own. The notion and sentimentality of people coming together to hit personal fitness milestones together never spoke to me... until last Saturday. There was also a certain element of nostalgia about running my first race on Roosevelt Island, the very place where I began my Couch to 5K and ran my first full mile.
I'm so proud of myself for training as hard as I did. My shins are less proud of my achievements as they are still sore after running 15 miles in a week, but I've learned from it and am now taking the appropriate rest days in order to prevent future injury because -- YOU GUESSED IT -- THIS LADY'S GOING BACK FOR MORE WADDUP.
I'm doing another 5K, this time with a great friend and my wonderful husband, at the end of June and I'll be upping the ante to improve my personal time.
I'm so ready.
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