Things You Might Have Missed

December 18, 2013

Hello again with your once-a-month "Things You Might Have Missed" post! As always, please share with us something you read that everyone should know!

Image courtesy of Angry Asian Man blog

1. For those who are always on Twitter, maybe you've seen #NotYourAsianSidekick trending?
The hashtag was created by writer and activist Suey Park as an attempt to create a safe space for thought-provoking and intelligent discourse on Asian American feminism and stereotypes. A lot of people have started to also use it to confront racism in white feminist spaces as well as tackling the hurtful stereotypes with Asian American women and sexuality. I highly urge you to check it out and contribute (if you are an AA lady!) to keep the momentum going!

Image courtesy of Lee and Low blog

2. Have you seen the trending Facebook statuses where your friends post their favorite books? I don't know about your friends' list, but I've been seeing a lot of white authors and very few POC authors. That truth, sadly yet not surprisingly, is also reflected in New York Times' Best Sellers List. Lee and Low Books (via NBC Latino) asks, "Where's the Diversity?"

Image courtesy of Huffington Post

3. Something more lighthearted, here are "23 Food Things Only Chinese-American Kids Would Understand."

4. Two years ago, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas came out as an undocumented immigrant in a New York Times Magazine essay while shedding light on the perils and lives of other undocumented immigrants living in the US. Asia Pacific Arts published a conversation they had with Vargas about his journey and also the new documentary "Documented."

5. In related news, Whatever Happened to Comprehensive Immigration Reform? Color Lines has this super informative and insightful presentation on just this--which can be viewed on your computer.

Image courtesy of

6. And just one more to round this off. BOW DOWN: Beyonce's surprise media album dropped this week and sales have already soared past 400,000.


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