The articles of clothing
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
And with these three outfits, you have 30 outfits made with 28 items of clothing! I started with 27 items, added 2, then ended up not using my striped cardigan.
STILL SHORTS WEATHER: I love me a good pair of crisp shorts. I feel so much more polished compared to jorts and they're just as comfy.
Shorts: J Crew // Sandals: Asos // Tank: Mango
Two more outfits and my personal favs under the cut!
TRYING TO GET THROUGH TO THE END: This time I purposely wore my shirt backwards.
Top: Zara // Pants and Jacket: Target // Shoes: Bass
AND I'M DONE! I really just wore whatever was still laying on my chair and not hung up or dirty.
Top: Madwell // Skirt: Blanco // Wedges: UO
Overall, I'm pretty happy with my outfits. I had some pretty meh ones all over, but I still had some pretty decent ones thrown in there. One thing I would've done differently is to bite the bullet and pick out all 30 items to begin with. Items I wish I didn't use would include my fun or ugly floral shirt and gold oxfords. There were weeks where I consciously tried to add more jewelry, but lets be real, I don't have time for that all the time. However, this challenge did make me feel a lot more put together than usual! I bum it out at work pretty often, but this forced me to look more cohesive throughout the week instead of just the weekend. And side note, taking pictures of myself every day is exhausting.
To end this post, here are my favorite outfits of the challenge.