Cat Lady

October 18, 2013

First off, just in case anybody missed it, Linh completed her 30 For 30 Challenge and I just wanted to commend her on following through!  Make sure you go check out her very last post!  (And here is my very last post of the Challenge, just in case.)

Anyway, now that it's October and occasionally chilly in New York, I've been rocking my sweet new trenchcoat, which I actually had tailored a few weeks ago.  Tailored.  Like an adult.  (Let's chuckle over the fact that I only had it tailored because I bought it on clearance almost two sizes too large and had no other choice but to have it tailored BUT SO WHAT WHO CARES because that ultimately means I made the time to take it alllllllll the way to a tailor, stood very still for 20 minutes while they pinned it, and then I went alllllllll the way back just to pick it up.  Crying Responsible, Grown-Up Tears right now.)

Trenchcoat: Zara / Scarf: H&M / Sweater & Jeans: Forever 21 / Wedges: Target

As someone who really loves holidays, I'm genuinely surprised that I don't own more fun seasonal attire (see: Art Teacher Style).  I bought this sweater last August and completely overlooked its potential Octoberiness.  It will take its rightful place in my sweater drawer next to my hilariously tacky applique-covered Christmas cardigan.

Also, I figured a leopard scarf with a cat sweater wouldn't be total overkill since the cat sweater is really simple and understated.  I'm using "understated" loosely, as it is a giant white cat.  It also kind of feels like Xzibit should pop in to say "YO DAWG, I HEARD YOU LIKE CATS, SO I PUT A CAT THEMED ACCESSORY ON YOUR CAT SWEATER SO YOU CAN DIE ALONE."

Tell me about your festive seasonal/holiday clothes!  Unless I'm the only weirdo who has any, in which case, lie to me and say you do so I feel less bad.

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